All works ︎︎︎

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Final Project
    1. Beit Shemesh

    2. 66 Optic
    3. Good to go
    4. Basic Design Week   
    5. Maapilim Pride
    6. Science 42

Websites & Apps
    7. Street library
    8. The great wars    
    9. Subbing App

Print & others
  10. Virology
  11. Dan Risinger Catalog 


Besic Design Week | Branding

Basic Design Week was created as a return to the initial principles in the designer's work:
line, texture, movement, hierarchy, composition, primary forms, and abstraction. These
guidelines serve as a reference point for the designer to continually revisit in their work."

Project includes: logotype, graphic language, brand values, billboards & newspaper ad,
direction signs and entrance sign, program site, Merchandise and Instagram ad.

︎︎︎ Logo 

︎︎︎ Direction signs

︎︎︎ Billboard

︎︎︎ Newspaper ad

︎︎︎ Merchandise

︎︎︎ Website

︎︎︎ Instagram ad
